Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Changing Farm Themes Free with Charles

Hi gang! Z * a few days ago, has released a very interesting themes in the field with 50 fvcash membandrol prices for each themesnya, of course it's very unfortunate for the main account that cashnya rata2 is often used to purchase barang2 more interesting. But, now there is a method that helps us to get thames2 accordance with our farm with a free method is as follows:

1. Open Farm (Home Farm or Home Farm)

2. Go to Charles Breakpoint off

3. After the open fields perfect (no loading items) back to Charles and Breakpoint on

4. Open Market Charles will then Popup (Open by itself)

5. Click Edit Request ==> AMF ==> params ==> Replace function name UserService.publishUserAction

     be LicenseService.acquireLicense (for home farm) and FarmService.changeTheme

     (for Home Farm)

6. In the string market visit themes change to the code (for Home farm), and the name Thamenya

    (for Home farm) would be replaced the following list:

     desert_theme code = P [

     grass_tuscany_theme "code = O ^

     beach_theme code = M #

     autumngrass_theme "code = J;

     grass_theme code = K [

     snow_theme code = L}

6. Click on the Object select sting and change to L60 (for Home farm while for Classic

     does not need to edit).
note the following images:

7. Execute Respond to edit and click the Expand AMF data folder if TimeExpires figures show the above method successfully

8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 until all the code is complete without having to refresh the farm.

9. breakpoint Off

10. Refresh Thames Farm and find that in the locker above make sure the writing has become a USE.


     Special Thanks To Rocky Lee For the Info
thanks to pra bara for Geng Farmville Indonesia © 2011

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